The firm has a general practice in business litigation, acting in areas as diverse as commercial leases, partnership disputes, sudden termination of business relations, unfair competition, debt recovery, customer/supplier disputes, asset and liability guarantees, directors’ liability for lack of assets, surety bonds and enforcement measures (seizures of property or accounts), etc.
We also have in-depth expertise in financing.
The firm stood out in its defense of borrowers who had taken out loans in foreign currencies. We were the first to obtain the cancellation of these toxic loans, putting an end to their detrimental effects (see press review).
The diversity of the issues we deal with enables us to approach each case from a broad spectrum of analysis, refusing to compartmentalize matters. Solutions are sometimes found in disciplines other than those naturally and immediately involved: a dispute that centers around a commercial lease, for example, may find its solution in company or insurance law.
Imagination and creativity alone guide us to ensure an effective defense before civil, commercial, criminal and professional courts (ACPR, AMF).
We also assist our clients pre-litigation, anticipating any disputes that may arise so that we can help them find favorable ground once the dispute is brought to court.