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Tax Lax

Tax Lax

In the area of corporate taxation, we provide consulting services that cover direct taxation for companies and corporate groups, whether it concerns operational taxes (corporate income tax, corporate group integration, transfer pricing, territorial economic contribution, etc.) or structural matters, especially in the context of growth operations or the reorganization of groups with complex structures.

Our strong presence in the financial sector has also enabled us to develop expertise in the financial VAT field, and more specifically the identification of deduction rights.

Our services cover both advisory, aimed at improving the efficiency of tax organization, and litigation, which we take on as early as the accounting audit and follow through at the various administrative and judicial stages. In this practice, the firm has achieved significant case law advancements, notably in financial VAT cases.

We also address personal taxation issues, particularly Wealth Tax (ISF).

Regarding individual tax matters, the firm is also recommended by major foreign banks to handle the adjustment of personal tax situations.

tax lax

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